Expounding the Way of God More Perfectly Through Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth
Acts 18:24-28 / II Timothy 2:15
From the Badlands & Prairie of Western South Dakota

Badlands Sunset July 4th

Mike Paulson

July 2010
If the sermon title is NOT underlined below, then there is no written text available.

Videos are unedited - not always the best idea, but so be it for now...

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Date Preached
Sermon Title
Sunday - 4th - am
I Corinthians Today
According to Paul and King James 1611 Bible
I Corinthians Ten
We look at Paul's words about idolatry today.  How many Christians associate 'play' with idolatry?  Paul does.  See ensample and example used in the same chapter - they do not mean exactly the same thing. Ensample may be archaic to people, but we can know it to this day.  There is a lot of good material to absorb in this chapter for all of us on idolatry.


Sunday - 4th - pm
 I Corinthians Today
According to Paul and King James 1611 Bible
I Corinthians Eleven
We look at the following subjects:  following Paul; ordinances; long/short hair; purpose of heresies and finally, the big one - the infamous Lord's Supper.  This chapter is packed with controversy but rightly dividing according to the KJB eliminates that controversy... well, it should anyway, if only folks would look to rightly dividing the word of truth and the King James Bible.


Wednesday - 7th
 I Corinthians Today
According to Paul and King James 1611 Bible
I Corinthians Twelve & Thirteen
We know we have received God's gift of his righteousness, his grace and his eternal life.  What are the other spiritual gifts mentioned.  Do we turn to Acts 2, 8, 10 from Peter or I Corinthians 12 or Romans 12?  Are the Pentecostals correct when they turn to I Corinthians 12 for those gifts?  And what about the body of Christ - what part are you?  And what does Paul mean when he says, "... yet shew I unto you a more excellent way..."?
Chapter 13 - charity and the King James Bible - how do those work today?
(sorry - no video available...)

Sunday - 11th - am
 The Three Little Christian Pigs
Where are the sincere Christians today?  Here is a small list of where I know them to be these days... from the beaches of nakedness to exotic vacations around more nakedness ... and more...   What kind of 'houses' do these Christians live in?  Straw - Stick - or Brick?  What happens when the wind of doctrine comes huffin and puffin their way - does it blow their house down?  Do they die from it?  Yes, just about all of them today!  What a shame for the weaker Christian to watch.  We don't cause the 'lost' world to stumble, we cause the weak and young brethren to stumble - shame on the sincere Christian today!


Sunday - 11th - pm
 I Corinthians Today
According to Paul and King James 1611 Bible
I Corinthians Fourteen
What are 'new tongues,' 'other tongues,' 'unknown tongues,' 'unspeakable & unlawful words of paradise.'  Are tongues still suppose to be going on today?  For those who believe in speaking in tongues, do they follow Paul's teachings of it in this chapter?  hardly - a big hearty no!  So, what's the truth about speaking in tongues when studied in a KJB?


Wednesday - 14th
 I Corinthians Today
According to Paul and King James 1611 Bible
I Corinthians Fifteen
This is a marvelous chapter full of thought and 'expose' on those who don't think we should be following Paul.  It shows why so many Christians are miserable and reminds us that we have nothing to be miserable about.  If we are, 'fix it,' we would not be the ones miserable these days.  You should find this chapter fascinating - ye ole' KJB - there is nothing like it anywhere!


Saturday - 17th - a.m.
A private office sermon
I Corinthians Today
According to Paul and King James 1611 Bible
I Corinthians Sixteen
A sermon on MONEY!
Are "Tithes and Offerings" a thing of the past?  Are you one of those who 'gives' but doesn't 'change' your life?  What does Anathema Maranatha really mean? Ok, so how should a Christian give today?  Here ya go: a sermon about money and giving!  O boy!!!  But then, it might not be that bad, after all.  Try it - Mikee likes it!

Sunday - 18th - a.m.
II Corinthians Today
According to Paul and King James 1611 Bible
II Corinthians One
Are your "sufferings" truly sufferings of Christ?  If so, then the consolation should be real.  If your sufferings are your own, then the consolation might not be as comforting?  A lot of various topics in this chapter - consolation, stedfast hope in others if..., delivered past - present - future, benefits of sincerity, confidence, preaching according to the flesh, being anointed today, pastors having dominion over your faith - a very interesting chapter, actually!


Sunday -18th - p.m.
II Corinthians Today
According to Paul and King James 1611 Bible
II Corinthians Two
How important is forgiveness? - Paul's own personal concerns about 'hard' preaching - No Titus in your life - Triumph in Christ - corrupting the word of God.  This is yet another interesting chapter.  This time around with Corinthians has become a very interesting series for me to preach - I hope it has been the same for you.  Bonus subjects mini-sermons word studies: acknowledge - what should you acknowledge and envy towards us and from us towards others.


Wednesday - 21st
 II Corinthians Today
According to Paul and King James 1611 Bible
II Corinthians Three & Four
What does it mean, "Ye are our epistle..."?  How can our sufficiency be of God today?  How is it we can have 'plainness of speech' today?  Where do we find that plainness of speech that we should be able to understand?  Is the 'vail' still upon the hearts of people today as they follow the four Gospels?  Are you troubled AND distressed; perplexed AND in despair?  You shouldn't be! When we are to have the life of Jesus manifest in our body, which 'life' is it - the Jewish one from the four Gospels or the risen life as Paul preaches?  Both?  Are they the same?  ... and more in the audio. 


Sunday - 25th - am
 II Corinthians Today
According to Paul and King James 1611 Bible
II Corinthians Five
This chapter is full of gems!  Do we really want to follow Paul's teachings, or do we just 'pretend' to be following his teachings in our daily walk?  We ought to be burdened to be clothed - but even Christians are not burdened to be clothed today let alone 'clothed' for their judgment seat.  Christ gives us his righteousness - his clothes, as such, but why is there such a willingness and desire to be unclothed today among Christians?  Is there a difference in clothes in the Tribulation when compared to the church age today?  Are we completely accepted by Christ today?  Are we to 'fear' the judgment seat?  How can we 'answer' those that glory in appearance and not in the heart?  What do you know about the ministry of reconciliation?


Sunday - 25th - pm
 II Corinthians Today
According to Paul and King James 1611 Bible
II Corinthians Six and Seven
There is great understanding within this chapter that shows us the identical application from our King James Bible today.  We see in chapter 6 that Paul expresses his concern towards those carnal christians as to whether or not they are saved.  Could that be an issue for more than we may realize these days?  Chapter 7 expresses Paul's confidence towards his people 'obeying' what he teaches.  Would Paul have that same confidence in us today?  I do not believe so - especially in us fathers, as Paul treats his people like his children.  Fathers would be wise to look to Paul as their teacher as to how to be a father - from what I have seen, I see few fathers even willing to learn from Paul!  I believe that the worst enemy for a little child/teen girl/young adult woman is their father today!  I can not wait until the next Fathers Day - I have just the right message for those fathers who still have children around the house and are destroying them for eternity.  For those of us who are too old - well... anyone interested in some experiential advice?  Turn to Paul, not Paulson!


Wednesday - 28th
 II Corinthians Today
According to Paul and King James 1611 Bible
II Corinthians Eight & Nine
More great stuff on money and the ministry today!

These two chapters, along with I Corinthians 16, will tell you all you need to know about 'giving' today.  You can even see where today's preachers preaching for filthy lucre as hirelings actually get their verses - but you can also see how they twist them to pull in more money.  Then, read the two verses that seem to be ignored by virtually all preachers / evangelists, etc. today.  Giving is not to be a hard 'doctrine' nor is it supposed to 'hurt' anyone.  Proper giving is truly an act of grace, just as Paul says.


Learning the Way of God More Perfectly - Acts 18:24-28