
From the Badlands & Prairie of Western South Dakota
January 31, 2010
Audio sermon
Video sermon
What We Are Missing

What do we lose by not having a local church to attend?

Comforting from the brethren!
Brethren to comfort!
And More...

Acts 9:31 - the churches were comforted by the Holy Ghost.
Today, churches are comforted by activities that feed the flesh!

People in churches today (including KJB) are happy with the fleshy 'left column' from the a.m. sermon.  They do not want the 'right column' - and they accuse us of division because we seek that right column for our church - so we leave and hope we can create it all within our home.

By leaving the churches, we miss out on...

Our options?
Mike Paulson
(former pastor of King James Bible Church of Touchet, WA)
Doing the work of an evangelist teaching Paul's gospel of the Risen Saviour!

The entire King James Bible is written FOR us, but it is not all written TO us!
We learn from the "For" and we learn to apply the 'TO!"