Another Sermon for the Starving Bible Believing Christians All Over the World Wide Web
2007 - KJV Bible Believers Church in Touchet, Touchet, Washington - Pastor Mike Paulson - 2007
Expounding the way of God more perfectly - Acts 18:26 - with the Scriptures Rightly Divided - II Timothy 2:15
So, What DOES Paul Preach, Anyway?
Part XII
Preached April 18, 2007
"Helpers of Our Joy" - Part III
Not for that we have dominion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy: for by faith ye stand.
II Corinthians 1:24

We look at specific helpers tonight!

Paul calls them:

See: The Bible lists names - for example: David's marching band names listed per row!
Here are the Names of many of Paul's helpers! Paul Timothy - preach and teach Paul's ways in every church Titus Philemon Other Helpers / Ensamples
  Mark them that do... Mark them that don't...