Another Sermon for the Starving Bible Believing Christians All Over the World Wide Web
2007 - KJV Bible Believers Church in Touchet, Touchet, Washington - Pastor Mike Paulson - 2007
Expounding the way of God more perfectly - Acts 18:26 - with the Scriptures Rightly Divided - II Timothy 2:15
So, What DOES Paul Preach, Anyway?
Part XI
Preached April 15, 2007
"Helpers of Our Joy" - Part II
The Joy of Faith
And having this confidence,
I know that I shall abide and continue with you all for your furtherance and joy of faith;
That your rejoicing may be more abundant in Jesus Christ for me by my coming to you again.
Philippians 1:25,26

General outline for sermon audio...

Paul's joy was based on his people's faith and their response!

"Others" give us joy when their faith shows!

Knowing their faith is their joy and that it will work in their lives...  Galatians 2:20
God is working in our lives...  Philippians 1:6

Having faith is TRUSTING God!

Not in ourselves - II Corinthians 1:9,10
Not in uncertain riches - I Timothy 6:17

Through Christ, we trust God!
II Corinthians 3:4

Ephesians 1:12,13

A few areas we trust God...

And Finally...

He trusts us - with...