Another Sermon for the Starving Bible Believing Christians All Over the World Wide Web
2007 - KJV Bible Believers Church in Touchet, Touchet, Washington - Pastor Mike Paulson - 2007
Expounding the way of God more perfectly - Acts 18:26 - with the Scriptures Rightly Divided - II Timothy 2:15

So, What DOES Paul Preach, Anyway?
Part III
Preached March 28, 2007
"Your Church"

My question for you tonight is:

As more and more 'churches' fall apart these days, why do the people / we fall apart also?
Why such frustration, disappointment, blame thrown at others, from us, the people, etc.

The time has already come for some, as our web family has proven;
there will be more soon to follow:


Play the game (knowing it is all a setup for the antichrist...) because of God's grace for you...
    but your kids growing up with deception?
Pick up the pieces and get back to the Book

Seek the proper Biblical church... based on Paul rightly divided;
not almost Paul or too much Paul but Paul properly divided Genesis to Revelation, etc.

Look at what is happening in churches - even Bible Believing churches - even BBKJVOnly churches! the 'studied bereans' are arguing over:

We must be a steward of the Mysteries of God
I Corinthians 4:1-5
Paul preaches to today's modern successful pastors!
I Corinthians 4:6-21

(Now instead of hating Paul, folks have the Book they hate!)

Christ and the Church - A Great Mystery
Ephesians 5:32

Do we escape the pollutions of the world (II Peter 2:20 - Tribulation)
Are we dead to the rudiments of the world (Colossians 2:20 - today)

Note the difference!

Church began!
Matthew 16:16-18
On the belief that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the living God.

Compare Great Commission church design and today's modern church approach with the purpose and design of the church as preached by Paul!
Acts 2:41-47 and Ephesians 4:11-16
Note: Romans 16:7 - people in Christ before Paul!

Purpose of the local church today is suppose to be:
Not worship - Acts 17:22-25 God does not have be 'unknown' to folks!
Colossians 1:25-29
Romans 16:25,26

In every church - PAUL's ways are to be taught!
I Corinthians 4:17
I Timothy 2:16

For the 'members' of today's church, read Ephesians 2,3 - the mystery revealed TO PAUL!

Church is not a social club to rescue your children because you are doing such a lousy job at home - or to rescue them from public school teachings, etc.

Church is not a baby sitter nor is it to be a place to entertain your teens!

That is why the churches today are doing what they are doing - reaching out to the flesh to bring folks in to their church - then they lie to them so they won't lose them if they preach to hard.

But now - most pastors and youth directors as well as parents are just waxing worse and worse being deceived and deceiving others.

Make the choice soon - your church or your Book!
But I suggest you make it soon... things are falling apart daily!

Then, with your King James Bible, rightly divided, following Paul,
watch that Book come alive...
...and then your family as well!