July 19, 2009
Audio sermon
Video sermon

After reading more of the Mid-Acts reasons for having the Lord's Supper, even though they claim to follow Paul, I just figured I would do a little sermon on remembrance.  You see, those folks didn't have a Bible to remember the death of Christ, etc.

Plus a few other reasons, the Lord's Supper today is not there for communion, it is not there to do a ritualistic memorial, it is certainly not there for us to 'celebrate,' it is not there as one of the invisible 'two' ordinances, etc. , it is not there for a self evaluation today nor is it there today for remembrance.

We now have the Bible for our remembrance and all the other previous I just listed that folks try to claim why they still do the Lord's Supper and fear sickness and death if they ever partake unworthily.

So, with that out of the way, let's look at some things to remember, and ALL of them come from a King James Bible!

We looked at the following verses:on what things we can remember becasue we have a KJB!

A rather short sermon - but important one, nonetheless!

Here is an email from one of our webfamily members over this sermon, a sermon, by the way, that I thought was what we can sometimes call a 'bomb.'  You just never know when God's words can be a blessing to folks, even when you think you didn't do your 'job' as a preacher!!

"Remembrance is one of the best sermons I have heard in years."

"How could any one read this and not understand that God did preserve His word and we are to keep it.  And rightly divide it and depend on the Holy Spirit to bring it to our remembrance."

"So sad that people have to try and do it their way when His way is so much easier."

Sermon notes from King James Bible Church of Touchet, WA
Pastor - Mike Paulson
The entire King James Bible is written FOR us, but it is not all written TO us!
We learn from the "For" and we try to apply the 'TO!"