Expounding the Way of God More Perfectly Through Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth - Acts 18:24-28 / II Timothy 2:15

Touchet Baptist Church  -  Touchet, Washington
November - 2006
If the sermon title is not underlined below, then there is no written text available, so just sit back, and with your eyes to your Bible & your ears to the preaching,
open your heart and your feet to the convincing of the Holy Spirit!
ALL sermons in 2006 are usually  available on a 'live web broadcast,' DVD, MP3, Real Audio or VCR...
contact the pastor for cost & shipping details
Date Preached
Sermon Title
Wednesday 1st
(Fruit Pickin part II)
Fruit Pickers
If soul winning is not where the emphasis is for Christians today, what is?  What is the fruit that we are to give to God? Once again we see Paul straightening out the 'soul winning' mess that is going on today.  Folks mean well, and yes, folks do need to be saved, but according to the rightly divided Scriptures, most of our Bible Believing churches are going about it in a totally wrong manner.  The result is churches growing in number but less in true Scriptural growth!  Are these folks truly saved?  You may think that God only knows but you can figure it out from your King James Bible.
Sunday 5th  Sunday School
The Great Review
Part I
"New Creature"
We will be reviewing specific verses that we have heard / missed in recent sermons.  We need to KNOW these things, not just know about them.  So, I will slow down and give us a chance to review and remember! We will be doing this for the next few weeks.  There as SO many important verses that we need to know exactly - and to mediate and put to physical application.  These are the verses that are TO us and so very important TO us.
Sunday 5th - am
Meet for the Master's Use?
Or are you satisfied with just wasting away these final years of the dying local church that teaches rightly divided truth?  Let's do a simple rightly divided word study on the word 'meet.'  This is an interesting as well as necessary reminder to all of us.
Sunday 5th - pm
"NT Teachings" Rightly Divided
We are going to look at Jesus' teachings vs Paul's teachings - is there a difference?  Why are so few willing to consider what Paul preached about what we are to be taught - and what we are to be teaching others?  However, a power outage for a few hours canceled the sermon right in the middle of the sermonating - but the fellowship by candlelight went on.  The audio here is mainly about Jesus' teachings - then the power goes.  We will pick up where this sermon 'left off' on Wednesday!
Wednesday - 8th
"NT Teachings" Rightly Divided and "NT Sayings" RD'd
We review and then finish where we left of from Sunday night's power outage in town...  We also will begin looking at the 'sayings' of Jesus - do we follow them today from the Gospels or from what He 'said' to Paul? What about the sayings of Revelation? Are we told to follow them today?  And finally, where does Revelation fit in the dispensational order?  Very interesting stuff!
Sunday School - 12th
The Great Review
Part II
We will be reviewing specific verses that we have heard / missed in recent sermons.  We need to KNOW these things, not just know about them.  So, I will slow down and give us a chance to review and remember! We will be doing this for the next few weeks.  There as SO many important verses that we need to know exactly - and to mediate and put to physical application.  These are the verses that are TO us and so very important TO us.  See the very general outline to see what is covered today.
Sunday 12th - am
Sayings of Jesus - Do Folks Really Follow Those Today?
We look at many sayings from Jesus - and we will see that folks either 'pretend' they actually follow them - or they really don't know that those sayings are not said to us today.  There is no way folks really follow these today - follow them properly, that is.  They may try, but they are not successful because they are not possible, nor does God expect us to today!
Sunday 12th - pm
Why Folks Follow the GC / Why Folks Still Won't Follow Paul
See and hear about reasons folks will still follow what they are told is the Great Commission.  Also see and hear about why folks who know Paul's way is the correct way today still will not follow Paul's teachings - and why they don't have that joy and peace, etc.  By the way, this sermon was also delivered 'live' over a cell phone to my family on vacation in Hawaii - so that should help you understand some of the humor that takes place in the audio.
Wednesday - 15th
What About Our Own Kids?
If we still have our own difficulties with the joy of Paul,  what about our own kids, etc.?  Will we pass on anything to our children other than our own selves?  Will we prepare them for the world that they will be entering?  Here are some thoughts, anyway.  Slow down and concentrate on what really matters!
Sunday School - 19th
The Great Review
Part III
Along with a few reasons of why I personally believe following Paul only is Scripturally Sound Doctrine, we continue to review key verses to Paul's preaching!
Sunday a.m. 19th
A Pattern of Hearing
Believe, believe in, believe on? Which is to us for today?  This can be understood if we look at the pattern of hearing that is established within the Scriptures, including Ephesians 1:13 as the pattern.
Sunday p.m. - 19th
Purpose of Prayer
If there is no Power in Prayer, meaning WE have the power to make things happen if our lives are 'clean enough,' etc. then what is the purpose of prayer?  Why should we pray if the Spirit of God is praying for us, anyway?  Here is why!
Wednesday - 22nd
Today - Increase or Gain?
I Corinthians 3:6,7
Thanksgiving 2006 - are we thankful for our 'increase' or for our 'gain?'  Is there a difference between increase and gain?  It seems there is, according to rightly divided Scriptures, that is!
Sunday School - 26th
The Great Review
Part IV
We review what the Scriptures say to us concerning blessings, increase and gain.  Are there similarities: Are there differences?  How does God provide 'gain' to us?  II Corinthians 9
Sunday a.m. - 26th
You Have Asked God ... but you still have not received?
Another segment of rightly dividing prayer.  We look at the verses that so many wrongly claim only resulting in faltering faith dna confidence - or - more and more direction towards the antichrist and the Tribulation.  What does Paul say about our askings to God?
Sunday p.m. - 26th
Picking and Choosing With the Left-Overs
Here are 14 reasons about why folks who rightly divide the word of truth still pick and choose the verses that fit their lives instead of fitting their lives to the rightly divided Scriptures?
Wednesday - 29th
The Great Turn
There are some great and not so great 'turns' in the Bible.  This is a preliminary sermon that leads us to the Great Turn.  Until Sunday, let us look at some of those great and not so great turns!  Which of these turns have you made?
Touchet Baptist Church  -  Touchet, Washington
Learning the Way of God More Perfectly - Acts 18:24-28