Sermons for Scattered & Starving Christians
Touchet Baptist Church  -  Touchet, Washington - Mike Paulson, Pastor
Expounding the Way of God More Perfectly Through Rightly Divided Preaching
Acts 18:24-28 / II Timothy 2:15,16

October Sermons
If the sermon title is not underlined below, then there is no written text available, so just sit back, and with your eyes to your Bible
& your ears to the preaching, open your heart and your feet to the convincing of the Holy Spirit!

ALL sermons in 2005 are usually  available on DVD as well as MP3, Real Audio or VCR...
contact the pastor for shipping details or for sermons from previous years.

click on the underlined titles for the written outline/text of the sermon

Date Preached
Sermon Title
2nd - Sunday School
Life Experiences of Paul
Acts 28
We have at least 4 mini sermons in this final chapter of Acts.  1) How non-Bible Believers treat you as Barbarians; 2) Paul still does miracles even up to this final chapter - how can that be? 3) Have "Gentiles" come to the end of their opportunity to hear, see & understand? 4) What two things did Paul always preach?  This is a great chapter and as always, it seems to lead right into the main sermons for today.
2nd - Sunday am
Word of God vs. Word of God - That Which is Perfect
I Corinthians 13:10 MUST be referring to the King James Bible as being THAT WHICH IS PERFECT.  This is a seriously important issue when one considers how even our Bible Believing churches are allowing the King James Bible to slip away only to be replaced by the "spirit of God along with their new 'programs,'  'music,' etc.  Hear how the Pentecostal 'spirit' is replacing the Book in our churches - and the great importance I Corinthians 13:10 has in this situation.
2nd - Sunday pm
Final Authority
As a conclusion to the a.m. sermon, we truly can see just how it is that the King James Bible MUST be our Final Authority in all matters of faith and practice.  Through our studies of Paul, God has shown us the foundational & Scriptural support for why the KJB MUST be the final authority for today.  Once again, we see how God allows to SEE after we have faith.  This is a marvelous conclusion and observation - it will truly give you scriptural confidence and courage when it comes to standing on & for the KJB today.  As it slowly slips away form the brethren, it surely doesn't need to slip away from you!  We look at the Seriousness, the Similarities, the Significance and the Satisfaction of the KJB being That Which Is Perfect.
5th - Wednesday pm
Absolute Music for an Absolute God
Part IV
The Design of Japheth's Best Music - Rhythm
We take a 'unique' look and listen to how the rhythm / beat affects the flesh.  Learn about the leavening of rhythm over the years - and how even in Bible Believing Baptist Churches the element of RHYTHM has slipped in through the melody in bluegrass, etc.  Hear what you can learn from some mice in the 80's about rhythm and how it affects our brains.  I hope this helps explains a little about rhythm.  THIS is the most dangerous and damaging of the elements of music.
9th - Sunday School
Life Experiences of Paul
Jail Epistles
Work of Our Ministry
Let's see what Paul says to us while he is in jail - learn what reconciliation is.  Sure, Paul wants folks saved - but his message is far beyond just being 'born-again.'  It is great knowing without a shadow of doubt that when you die, you will go to heaven  - but there is more to it than that.  Being reconciled has so much more meaning and application for a Christian - a Bible Believing one, anyway.
9th - Sunday am
Hear some preaching on practical application and understanding based on what is NOW for us today.
9th - Sunday pm
How the Pentecostal Flavouring Has Come Into Our Bible Believing Churches
Through Bluegrass Gospel Music!
Looking at the Pentecostal teachings, we see that those same concepts from Modern Christianity such as Purpose Driven, Alpha, etc. are now coming into our BB churches -and it is coming because of bluegrass and gospel music.
12th - Wednesday pm
Absolute Music for an Absolute God
Part V - A Distinction in Sound - I Cor 14:7,8
Music in Our Trend-setting Bible Believing Churches Today!
If you have no idea what is going on in our "trend-setting" Bible Believing churches concerning music, here are some audio examples.  If you already know what is going on, then fast forward to the preaching.  You will hear about how music exposes your heart as well as how music should be a "result," not a "cause."  See why God is going to eventually shut down the music that has now come into our Bible Believing churches.  This is a most amazing subject for me to preach.  I truly never thought this kind of music would ever enter into our own churches - but it has - but NEVER into Touchet Baptist Church!
16th - Sunday School
Life Experiences of Paul
Jail Epistles
Mystery Revealed
From jail, Paul tells about that mystery - and it has to do with the Jews.  The mystery that is now revealed is not about Christ in us, by the way - that is considered one of the riches of his glory of that mystery among the Gentiles - See Colossians 1:26,27 and Ephesians 2,3
16th - Sunday am
Blessings or Riches
Are what we consider to be a blessing really blessing?  What does God consider blessings and riches to us today - NOW?  Have you ever wondered if that 'blessing' was really a blessing from God - or from the Devil / World?  What about riches?  What does God consider to be riches?  Are we really blessed - and are we rich?  If so, in what ways?  Yes, we are blessed - and we are rich!  But I figure our riches and blessings are not what most Christians consider these days.
16th - Sunday pm
Puffed Up Bible Believers These Days?
Are self-proclaimed Bible Believers starting to arise into a puffed up status as they slowly slip away from their KJB? As the church continues to take a position more important than the KJB, are the folks becoming more and more conceited in their pure baptistic religion?
19th - Wednesday pm
Absolute Music for an Absolute God
Part VI
The Clean Sound - Psalm 89:15
The sound of Japheth's pure music sets itself apart from all other music.  Here are a few examples as well as a few points about the clean and healthy sound of Japheth’s Baroque and Classical music – the peak of absolute music.
23rd - Sunday School
Paul's Preaching Exposes Two Purpose Driven Lies
Rick Warren's Purpose Driven baloney uses the Great Commission and the Great Commandment to push their false gospel into churches across this country.  How does a Bible Believer look at this stuff?  Well, here is how!  The sermon is a result of a man's false testimony at our local gun show - this man claimed to be Spirit-led!  Well, he was, but not by the Spirit of God, only by the spirit of antichrist.  Hear the details!
23rd - Sunday am
Call the Kettle Black
The Christian Walk is Still a Narrow Way!
Matthew 7:13-14
Men, let's start fighting for that King James BIble again!  The Spirit-led modern Christian is becoming 'common-place' all over 'Christianity' - YOUR friends and family are hearing this stuff.  Let's start calling the kettle black, folks - quit playing the game of 'get-along' Christianity.  That false spirit-led philosophy is moving into our King James Bible churches through the Great Commission and music.  Yes, folks - it is!
23rd - Sunday pm
Paul's Teachings- What They Have Meant to Me!
Here are a few things that should be the results of preaching rightly divided word of truth!  I mean REAL rightly dividing truth!
26th - Wednesday pm
Absolute Music for an Absolute God
Part VII
The Romantic Era - The Fall Begins
Starting with Beethoven and ending with Wagner, we see the change from the purity of the 'sound' to the passion of man's emotions.  Music now begins to paint a picture of man's mind.  Is that a bad thing?  It can be, but doesn't have to be - this is a short sermon and we just finished eating burgers and hot apple cider floats - so we do have an 'interesting' time with it.
30th - Sunday School
 What Is It To Be A Christian Today
Marks of a True Christian
Finishing Paul's Life Experiences, we move on to what exactly is it that Paul preaches that would have us be a true Christian.  Here are a few of the general observations folks should have of you if you are truly a Bible Believing Christian.
30th - Sunday am
What Is It To Be A Christian Today
Study to Be Quiet
I Thessalonians 4:11,12
One of the key characteristics of a real Christian is their quietness.  This could help 'rescue' most marriages - our children - our testimony, etc.  I would hope that both the husband and wife would sit down and listen to this sermon together.  Bonus Bunny Trail:  Dad's, what is your responsibility towards your wife and daughter if you have one?  Take heed to this sermon, God could change your life through it!  The practicality of being quiet - what a concept!
30th Sunday pm
What Is It To Be A Christian Today
The Effects of Righteousness
Isaiah 32:17,18
The Wisdom of Quietness
The effect of righteousness is quietness and assurance for ever.  Doesn't that sound great?  Is that possible today 'before' the Millennium?  Sure thing!  Open your Bible and listen up!
* Note that Netscape will load these MP3's differently than the 'blue e' and the time of download will vary depending on the speed of your connection.
Also note that Netscape will show these pages as I designed them to look - I have no clue as to why the "big blue e" doesn't.  Just so you know... some of those poor designs are not true to my plan.