The Entire King James Bible is written FOR us, but it is not all written TO us!
We learn from the "For" and study Paul's writings to apply the 'TO!"
Another Sermon Outline for the Starving Bible Believing Christians All Over the World Wide Web
2008 - KJV Bible Believers Church in Touchet, Touchet, Washington - Pastor Mike Paulson - 2008
Expounding the way of God more perfectly - Acts 18:26 - with the Scriptures Rightly Divided - II Timothy 2:15
That which is perfect HAS COME - the King James Bible - I Corinthians 13:10
Perilous Times are Approaching!
What Should We Do Now?
February 13, 2008

Even though not yet 'officially' today, we are drawing closer and closer to perilous times!

We see signs, but not signs as in signs and wonders proving true salvation, etc. from the Great Commission crowd. These things more than prove that we are 'falling away' more and more. No need to try to get too 'into' the depth of it all today!

But as those perilous times are approaching, what should we do?

I.  Do the work of an evangelist

II.  Separate III.  Foolish and unlearned questions avoid - they just cause strife and are unfruitful IV.  Hear preaching and teaching of the Bible - the Scriptures V.  Continue thou in... VI.  Be a witness in your life to what Paul preaches and teaches VII.  Mark the Paul following people, as few as there are these days, anyway. VIII.  Shun profane and vain babblings IX.  Speak, exhort and rebuke specific Scriptural things X.  Be not ashamed of the risen Christ and of Paul! XI.  Hold fast Paul's words XII.  Understand that living godly will be difficult! XIII.  Trust the King James Bible to be God's mouth today!