Short Office Sermons / Quick Bible Studies

from Jeff Washburn
October 22, 2009

Mid-Acts Folks
Receiving God's grace in vain

We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not eh grace of God in vain.
II Corinthians 6:1

This verse is about as succinct as it gets for providing a definition of grace. Grace is the resources God supplies for us to work together with him to accomplish his purposes and objectives.  "Unmerited favour" cannot be the definition because God is no respector of persons.  He is impartial.  (For example, the Calvinists continue to say that you can have partiality with an impartial God.)

The run of the mill mid-Acts person doesn't have that understanding.  They are not working together with God.  They have received God's grace in vain.  As a result, they represent a significant danger to the church.  In his farewell address to the Ephesians elders, Paul warned of grievous wolves coming in after his departure.  The mid-Acts folks can cause people to receive the grace of God in vain - to no effect.