Mike's Minute Musings & Music 
for Mulling and Meditation
Piano Music
How Great Thou Art
Two Conspiracies That Are Real...
...and Still Exist Today
In today's crooked news media, not enough 'ado' is ever given to most conspiracies these days.  In fact, and in most cases, just the word 'conspiracy' seems to imply that it is a joke; someone just has some weird 'theory' about how something came about.  It doesn't matter that many of the modern 'conspiracies' can be proven not only with 'theory of common sense and simple observation' but also with expert documentation - in better words, "Proof that is in the pudding."

The so-called 'conspiracies' of the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon - the bombing of the building in Texas, the assassination of JFK, all the Clinton murders and so-called suicides, etc. all seem to make sense to me.  I have read the documentation - I have seen the obvious pictures - and I have read the media and government accounts.  So naturally, it hasn't taken me very long to believe that whatever the 'media' and/or government says in their explanations of major events are lies and they trying to cover up something.

Well, first of all, let's define 'conspiracy:'  the action of plotting or conspiring.  the action of plotting or conspiring.  A conspiracy is a plan - and most often, it applies to a plan to do something evil / wrong / damaging / hurtful, etc.

Well, there are two conspiracies - two plans of evil - that have been taking place for years - many years - since the beginning of time, actually, that are not only supported by documentational facts, but by many of us who are old enough to have 'seen' the truth of the existence of these conspiracies.

These are not 'theory' nor are they 'silly' - they are real.  Unfortunately for most people, when they finally see the truth of these two conspiracies, for them, it will be too late. 

For us, those rare and loyal birds of my website family, etc. these two conspiracies are what I could call "Conspiracies of Comfort" because they actually give us comfort while they destroy everyone and everything else. 

These two conspiracies explain just about everything that is going 'sour' (not that it was ever 'sweet') in this world; in this country; in our towns; in our schools; in our families and in many cases, even within ourselves.  From politics to the economy - from our neighborhoods to globalism - from an obvious and corrupt religion to any and all religions (and I mean ALL religions and ALL denominations) - none are innocent of their role in these conspiracies!

In fact, there really is only ONE conspiracy that is the 'bottom line' of all conspiracies.  But in order to prove and explain that particular conspiracy, the second conspiracy exists in order to 'mock' those that try to expose the first conspiracy.

So, let's take a quick (ya, right...) look at these two conspiracies - conspiracies that YOU know about but others laugh about.  In fact, these people actually hate to hear about these.  In double fact, they go out of their way to ignore these two conspiracies.  In triple fact, they choose to not even endure hearing us when we try to show someone these two obvious and eternally damning conspiracies.  They simply can't take it anymore.  II Timothy 4:3,4

The KJB are the only Scriptures that define and describe these two conspiracies very well - in fact, there isn't much, if anything, I can add to this.  Simply reading the scriptures will remind us all what is really going on around us.  It has become as obvious as ND is cold in the winter, that these two conspiracies are in full bloom - and many of us are truly allergic to them.  So it can't be much longer before we are taken out of the corrupt garden (Romans 11:22) to give these two conspiracies their final works - and then the Lord Himself will come onto the scene and expose them to all!  (Revelation 19 - NOT Revelation 6)

Conspiracy number one:
To Be Like the Most High

Isaiah 14:12-15 - How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!  how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

That devil is using everything from money to music on today's blinded human morons to worship him - and he actually seems to think he will win in the end.  Dummy - obviously he hasn't read Paul - or even the book of Revelation.  EVERYTHING today is based on him trying to ascend above the heights of the clouds... EVERYTHING.  Just think about it all today - EVERYTHING.  Even the great commission is part of the devils conspiracy to give him that 'most high' status - (I had to throw that in... some folks just won't believe me on that one!)

Conspiracy number two:
Conspiracy Against Paul

Even though the so-called bible believers - the KJB bible believers believe that Paul's books are the New Testament, they continue to preach most of their stuff from the gospels - also proving my point of conspiracy number one.
Acts 23:12-14: And when it was day, certain of the Jews banded together, and bound themselves under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul. And they were more than forty which had made this conspiracy. And they came to the chief priests and elders, and said, We have bound ourselves under a great curse, that we will eat nothing until we have slain Paul.

Of course, those that reject any bible for final authoratative truth could care less about Paul, John, etc.  and they really don't care about Jesus and his teachings either to the Jews OR to the Gentiles.  But those Bible believing people - even those KJB guys - they do what they can to destroy Paul.  It truly is a great curse that still exists to this day.

And again - I say this a lot - when the Gentiles are done hearing from Paul and the goodness of God (because Paul is the ONLY apostle that teaches the goodness of God!!!!!!!!!), then God will cut off the Gentile nation.  Why is this so hard for people to understand - especially those KJB Baptists????

If any of you have tried to tell folks about the Risen Saviour's teachings through Paul - and those of you who have tried to show the major doctrinal differences between the Great Commission in the gospels to Paul's Greater Commission - you have seen 1) the devil trying to be like the most high and you have also seen 2) the conspiracy against Paul!

Let's all just believe the scriptures when they tell us about the riches of understanding - and bask in the comfort of these conspiracies, knowing the truth behind all that is going on these days.  Feel free to try to tell someone about them, but get your hopes up for them - and don't let some 'soul-winning' preacher put you on a guilt trip for not 'winning folks to their church" on visitation night!