- Sermon Notes -
From the Prairie and Grasslands of North Dakota

June 12, 2013
 Mysteries and Issues of Life
Part VI

Explored; Examined/ Expounded; Exhorted, Explained with Exceeding Simplicity and Godly Sincerity and with Great Plainness of Speech by Exhalting the Excellent and Faithful Word of Truth 
- the KJB 1611 -

The "Walk"
What Really is It?

The 'Walk"
Course of life or pursuit.

To live and act or behave; to pursue a particular course of life.
To walk with God, to live in obedience to his commands, and have communion with him. Genesis 5.
To walk in darkness, to live in ignorance, error and sin, without comfort. 1 John 1.
To walk in the light, to live in the practice of truth
To walk by faith, to live in the firm belief of Paul's gospel and its promises, and to rely on Christ for salvation.
To walk through the fire, to be exercised with severe afflictions.
To walk after the flesh, to indulge sensual appetites, and to live following the sin that is in us
To walk after the Spirit, to be guided by the counsels and influences of the Spirit and by the word of God.
To walk in the flesh, to live this natural life as a lost person - following the course of the world, no spiritual circumcision, etc.

The question is:

What walk do we walk?

Our own?
The way and counsel of the world?

Modern Christians tend to follow "officially" Jesus' teachings as taught in the Gospels.  Bible believing Christians tend to add James to Jude's teachings for the guilt and 'God will git you' philosophy.  The Catholics tend to follow Peter's teachings along with the rules of the church, as their pope determines.

But who ever talks about trying the 'walk' as taught by the Risen Saviour - fewer try by the King James Bible; even fewer according to 'rightly dividing and even fewer yet, by Paul.  There are those really few few who follow Paul ONLY!

Gospel following walkers tend to lean towards the Beatitudes and the book of John - along with Peter for their fear tactics.

Let's look at Paul - who himself followed the Risen Christ.  Peter was the apostle to the circumcision and Paul is the apposite to the uncircumcision.  What else is there to say - although there are more verses to support that statement.

I Corinthians 11:1
Philippians 3:17
I Corinthians 4:16,17

Acts 2 - apostles doctrine or Ephesians 4, Paul's doctrine?

Well, ya'll believe that Christ truly did rise - so why not follow what the RISEN Christ taught to Paul to teach to the Gentiles.

Here's Paul's walk in summary!
(please be sure you listen to the audio - there is more to these verses than just reading them)
Romans 6:4
Romans 8:1
Romans 13:13
II Corinthians 5:7
II Corinthians 10:3
Galatians 5:16
Galatians 5:25
Galatians 6:16
Ephesians 2:10
Ephesians 4:1
Ephesians 4:17
Ephesians 5:2
Ephesians 5:8
Ephesians 5:15
Philippians 3:16
Philippians 3:17
Philippians 3:18
Colossians 1:10
Colossians 2:6
Colossians 4:5
I Thessalonians 2:12
I Thessalonians 4:1
I Thessalonians 4:12
II Thessalonians 3:11

One of the biggest differences between Paul's and Peter's, etc.
1)  no chastisement today
2)  no severity of God - only God's goodness
3)  Only found in King James Bible
4)  Also called manner of life!
(see the next sermon)

M Paulson
Hazelton, North Dakota

Just trying to do the work of an evangelist by teaching & preaching Paul's gospel of & from the Risen Saviour!
web site - www.scatteredchristians.org
email contact - sousaman@bektel.com

The entire King James Bible is written FOR us, but obviously it is not ALL written TO us!
We learn from the "For" while we learn to apply the 'TO to our everyday lives!"
These writings of Paul are directly from the Risen Saviour to Paul...
...and then to us through the King James Bible by the Holy Ghost!