From Western South Dakota
Where the Prairie Meets the Badlands of Western South Dakota

Flying above Sheep Mountain Table - Badlands 'off the tourist map'

July 13, 2011

Paul's Manner of Life
Part XII - Reprove & Rebuke
General Outline of verses used in audio sermon

Are you tired of the persecutions, rejections, arguments, the 'hate' you receive ... and all you are trying to do is live to serve and please God by following Paul's 'ways' and making those changes in your life - or at least trying... - as the Scriptures tell us to do?

Maybe we have been sincere in our trying to do Paul's ways

Let's consider these things as we learn to live Paul's ways - the ways taught to us by the Risen Saviour.  Without considering these things listed below, we may be doing more damage to our 'listeners' than we realize.
For meat destroy not the work of God.
All things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence.
Romans 14:20

Paul's Manner of Life to Us

15.  Reprove and Rebuke

This is, to many, the 'hard stuff.'
There comes a time when these must be done - and in the proper order.
Not too soon - and not too late.  Proper timing and proper wording, etc.
Remember - it must always come from God's mouth - the KJB!

Let's check these scriptures closely so we can be sure we know how, when and who to reprove and, if necessary, rebuke!

Reprove (blame expressed to the face; censure for a fault)

Rebuke (To chide; to reprove; to reprehend for a fault; to check by reproof; to restrain; to chasten; to punish; to afflict for correction; to check; to silence).