King James Bible Church of Touchet
January 18, 2008

How To Understand the KJ1611 Bible
Rightly Dividing on a Napkin

Rightly dividing the word of truth - II Timothy ___________
Thy word is truth - John ______
Gospel of our salvation - Ephesians _____________

Draw the lines in the appropriate places to show the divisions; label them if you want.


Number these in the correct order - top to bottom, as they would fit onto the line from left to right.

Place the OT 'major' leaders in the order from top to bottom as left to right on the line..
Can you list any of the Prophets - Major and Minor?

How many OT 'main characters' can you list?

Number the New Testament Names in their order.
Who is the apostle for today?
Number these Tribulation books in their order.

Sermon notes from King James Bible Church of Touchet, WA
Pastor - Mike Paulson
The entire King James Bible is written FOR us, but it is not all written TO us!
We learn from the "For" and we try to apply the 'TO!"