King James Bible Church of Touchet

How To Understand the King James 1611 Bible 

This is a series of sermons for folks who think the King James Bible is confusing, contradictory and archaic.
The KJB is not only the easiest bible to read, it is the easiest to understand.
The KJB is God's Holy Scriptures and is the ONLY Holy Scripture!
Here is how it can be so simply understood:

PS - Don't think that because there are so many sermons listed below, that it takes all this to 'learn' how to understand a KJB.  On the contrary, you will learn just how simple it is through sermons 1-6.  I just added more sermons because I so love to preach about the Risen Saviour and the KJB.

While most of these sermons are online in video format, they all come with notes and MP3 audio.

There will probably be more sermons coming; however, our entire website of sermons all deal with the Risen Saviour, the apostle Paul and the rightly divided KJB!

Sermon notes from King James Bible Church of Touchet, WA
Pastor - Mike Paulson
The entire King James Bible is written FOR us, but it is not all written TO us!
We learn from the "For" and we try to apply the 'TO!"