July 5, 2009
Audio sermon
Video sermon
Why Men Are Leaving the Church Today!

We listened to a number of letters written by men about their reasons they left their local church.

This is a rebutal to the new book of the same title.

We looked at the following Scriptures: There are more personal reasons to come in part II.

But I want to say, that so far, no men have come up with the Scriptural reason to answer the question, "Why are men leaving the church today?"

Yes, these letters all show legitimate reasons for leaving their church.  They did right in what they did when they made their choice to leave.

But what is the main reason?

Still coming up in the next sermon - or maybe the next one on this particular subject.

Sermon notes from King James Bible Church of Touchet, WA
Pastor - Mike Paulson
The entire King James Bible is written FOR us, but it is not all written TO us!
We learn from the "For" and we try to apply the 'TO!"