Another Sermon for the Starving Bible Believing Christians All Over the World Wide Web
2007 - KJV Bible Believers Church in Touchet, Touchet, Washington - Pastor Mike Paulson - 2007
Expounding the way of God more perfectly - Acts 18:26 - with the Scriptures Rightly Divided - II Timothy 2:15
Hardened Hearts Today

A verse of concern!
Hebrews 3:13 - But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.
Not TO us, but is it still a true fact for today?
If so, does God harden our hearts because of sin, etc.?

Why do we develop such 'hard hearts?'

The Questions is: Can our hearts be hardened today? Answer:  the only place Paul talks about hardening is Romans 9:18, which is really a reference from Exodus 33:19. Today! Paul's only other verse deals with Lost people - Romans 2:5
(along with II Timothy 2:3 - nothing to do with hard hearts)

Old Testament / Gospel

Tribulation verses What can make us so hard if isn't God?

1.  Drawing Closer to the Tribulation

2.  Anger / Contention

3.  We CHOOSE to harden our hearts by choosing to follow sin 4.  Hardness, etc. Controls You

Ask yourself:
A Hardened Heart is No Excuse.
It isn't from God!

PS - Are your kids getting hardened already?
Proverbs 21:29
Proverbs 28:14

If not yet, do you want to harden them?  Proverbs 29:1
If so, how to soften them!