Another Sermon for the Starving Bible Believing Christians All Over the World Wide Web
2005 - Touchet Baptist Church, Touchet, Washington - Pastor Mike Paulson - 2005
Expounding the way of God more perfectly - Acts 18:26 - with the Scriptures Rightly Divided - II Timothy 2:15

Modern Gainsayers Against Paul's Gospel
Part II
Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine
both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.
Titus 1:9

Paul's Gospel is...

Deeper Dispensational Dividing, it is not "different!"
The Way of God More Perfectly!
A More Excellent Way!
Biblical Increase God’s Way — the Book!
True Liberty in Christ!

Being a Christian is more than just leading others TO Christ,
and more than just living FOR Christ...
...it is learning to live WITH Christ after you have been led to and are living for Christ!

Having an understanding of the Scriptures is how a persons grows to live WITH Christ.
See Revelation 3:20

But these Baptists who claim to be Bible Believers are gainsayers
who don’t see it that way...  ....in fact, they don’t see it at all!

Getting a solid understanding of rightly dividing the word of truth and Paul's gospel will:

This is just a basic outline and an attempt at writing down a few of the comments made on the audio.  To get a better understanding of what the gainsayers say and how the truth should convince them about Paul, you should listen to the audio portion.

Recent email arguments...
Salvation is always by grace - from Genesis to Revelation!
That is true - but that grace always had to come with or through something.  Ask Adam - Noah - Abraham - Moses - etc.

I am a dispensationalist - and have read a number of authors on this subject and have read my bible more than 20 times, and the NT more than 40 times.
Here comes the scholarly and impress folks approach!  Unfortunately, this often works because mose folks don't take the time to do their own reading and studying - even as they hear about Paul's gospel.  They will heed his arguments instead of reading and seeing for themselve.

The Bible's teaching about salvation, eternal security and prayer have been the same throughout the history of the world.
Really?  That is so obviously wrong! There are so many variations in that conclusion that only rightly dividing would solve the confusion made by this teaching!

Read your bible and recognize the truth when you see it.
He did read and did recognize the truth - so why such an argument from a pastor who said to read the Bible?

Click here for the introduction and first (1) gainsayer argument.

The gainsayers say that we teach that ...

(2)  The book of Acts is also largely Jewish.
Hardly - it starts out Jewish and ends with the Gentiles!

Hyper dispensationalists commonly believe that after Christ was rejected by Israel in the Gospels, that they were given a second chance to receive the kingdom in the first part of the book of Acts.
You can't argue against that and if you notice the last sentense in this paragraph, they believe that statement as well.

Thus, they teach that there are two different churches viewed in the book of Acts, and the true Pauline church only started after Acts 9, 13, or 28. Thus, the church mentioned in the first part of Acts allegedly refers to a different church than that of Paul’s prison epistles.
Baloney - we don't teach two DIFFERENT churches.  Listen to the audio to hear it explained better than I can type it.  There ARE two different churchs in the local assembly and the universal and invisible church, but there are not two different churches in Acts, etc.   The church in Acts 2, etc. is the early beginnings of the local church - complete with signs and all - but later with Paul, the church grows OUT of that stuff.  Same church, just growing up!

The earlier “church” in Acts is simply an aspect of the kingdom preached in the Gospels. Most of the book of Acts is therefore discounted as a guideline for the churches today.
If we can teach that Acts is how the church gets started, then we ought to be preaching about miracles, signs, wonders and tongues!  That is what the early church preached!

Yet, at the very end of the book of Acts we still find Paul preaching about the kingdom (Acts 28:23). In fact, he was still preaching about it in his epistles! (2 Thess. 1:5; 2 Tim. 4:1).
Yes - the Kingdom of GOD only - and Christ preached kingdom of God and kingdom of heaven!

While we can see an obvious transition in the book of Acts, this does not mean that there are different gospels and different churches in various parts of Acts.
We don't say it did!

(3) The mysteries given to Paul contained a different revelation from that given to Peter and the other Apostles, and only Paul’s writings are for the church today. The other epistles, such as Hebrew, James, 1 and 2 Peter, and the epistles of John are not for us today.
yes, they are FOR us but just not TO us.  Do you think they will ever figure out that 'to' and 'for' thing?

Yet, Paul himself said that the church is built upon the “apostles” plural and not merely upon himself (Eph. 2:20).
Of course - but why stay around the foundation - Paul is all about building on that foundation!

And Peter also referred to the writings of Paul and made no distinction between Paul’s teaching and the teaching of the other apostles (2 Pet. 3:1-2, 15-16). Peter said Paul wrote to the same people and preached the same message.
Ha - there is a big difference between 'early' Peter and later 'Peter!'  Peter gets changed around - gets a fast education in Acts 10 and Galatians as he learns what the gospel is that is to be preached now.

The last comment on the tape is about a letter I received from a man who believes that Paul is the gainsayer. He says that the best way to divide the truth rightly is to divide out the conflicting teachings of Paul and toss them in the trash.  You will have to hear the audio to hear the details on those thoughts.

Unreal, but yet oh so real these days!