Another Sermon for the Starving Bible Believing Christians All Over the World Wide Web
2006 - Touchet Baptist Church, Touchet, Washington - Pastor Mike Paulson - 2006
Expounding the way of God more perfectly - Acts 18:26 - with the Scriptures Rightly Divided - II Timothy 2:15

The Great Review
- Family Sunday School Class -
Part III
A Review of Many Key Verses We Have Learned to Rightly Divide the Word of Truth

Today's notes are just the outline of what took place within the class.  We are reviewing the key verses of Paul's teachings, etc.  In order to get the full review and added frosting to the cake, I would encourage you to listen to the audio sermon.

We reviewed the previous sermon verses
I handed out the following outline for personal perusal:
Reasons I Personally Believe That This Greater Commission with Paul
is Scripturally Sound Doctrine

It makes sense within itself!

All the modern religions, programs, churches, denominations and non-denominational denominations use everything EXCEPT Paul Only! Paul says so! I have seen the fruit of increase and the 'potential' of proper gain! It is the best marriage counseling one will ever need!  It has the potential of... It is the only way for victory over the flesh and deception!

It goes against everything 'common' to today!

It answers all questions about heretical teachings as well as exposes them by proving sound doctrine through those very heresies!

It is actually what we are told to study - II Timothy 2:15,16!

Is proven by the common Big Picture puzzle illustrations! Is proven by other common illustrations! Everybody can actually get back to one on one - face to face with God! That which is perfect has come spiritually for the Kingdom of God church age of grace and reconciliation!
This KJB 1611 RD is Holy and is Finished
- He Himself is Next! -