The entire King James Bible is written FOR us, but it is not all written TO us!
We learn from the "For" and study Paul's writings to apply the 'TO!"
Sermon Notes
July 6, 2008
Sincere Fellowship

1.  Companionship; society; consort; mutual association of persons on equal and friendly terms;

We don't need to just 'hang around' and play games with each other - we should be having fellowship with those who agree with Paul, etc.

Games can often be an escape from poor fellowship.

Here is what Paul tells us about fellowship.

I.  Fellowship of His Son!

II.  Not to have fellowship with devils! III.  No Fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness IV.  No fellowship of righteousness with unrighteousness V.  Fellowship of ministering to the saints! VI.  Offer your Right hand of fellowship only to those with whom you agree! VII.  Fellowship of the mystery VIII.  Fellowship of his sufferings