Your Friendly Neighborhood
Roman Catholic Church

Back in the 60's, the "Vatican Council" tried to spread the 'great and wonderful' news that the Catholic Church, after 1,600 years, has suddenly 'changed' its attitude toward other religious beliefs.

What the popes call "The MOST HOLY Council of Trent" was never mentioned during the whole hypocritical fiasco.  The decrees of that council have to be accepted by every cardinal and pope in the church, and they form part of the famous "Tridentine Confession of Faith," which all converts from Protestantism had to sign when marrying a Catholic in a Catholic church (1600-1900). 

The reason why Pope John XXII didn't allow ANY of the Council's decrees to be discussed is because they pronounced a CURSE ("Anathema") on the heads of every Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, Moslem and Protestant in the United Nations Assembly.

On page 79 of the Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent, (as published by a Roman Catholic publishing house in America - TAN Books and Publishers, Rockford, Illinois;) it states the basic bedrock root belief of every Catholic priest, nun, monk, pope, bishop, cardinal, or archbishop who ever joined the Catholic Church or was raised in it (A.D. 400-A.D. 2000).

It states (let him be ANATHEMA) that every Baptist, Jew, Moslem, Buddhist, Presbyterian, Charismatic, Hindu, or Humanist on earth who does not believe that a Catholic priest can convert bread and wine into the literal BODY and BLOOD of Jesus Christ (together with His SOUL and His DIVINITY) is cursed of God: If anyone denies that the sacrament of the Most Holy Eucharist...let him be anathema.

On page 54 (Canon 13), you are told that you are "accursed" if you receive adult water baptism by immersion AFTER you have received Jesus Christ; you were born again ('numbered among the faithful') when a Roman Catholic priest sprinkled you.

That is what the head of Promise Keepers is suppose to believe if he believed what every pope had to believe before being elected as a pope.

It is still right there, today!  Canons 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 on "Baptism" say that the NEW BIRTH takes place when you are sprinkled by a Roman Catholic (p. 53).  If you do not believe that - and no Baptist, Methodist, Jew, Hindu, Moslem, or Humanist believes that - "LET HIM BE ANATHEMA".

Here is what the official Roman Catholic Jesuit newspaper (Civilta Cattolica) has to say about today's ecumenical 'brothers and sisters in Christ', etc."

The Roman Catholic Church ... must demand the right of freedom for herself ALONE.  (April, 1948).  The Pope is the SUPREME JUDGE even of civil laws and is incapable of being under any true obligation to them (i.e., popes are outlaws - outside of the law; the laws of the U.S.A. and the UN do not aply to them!)

The official Roman Catholic Encyclopedia (Vol XIV, pp. 766-768) states that: "The true (Roman Catholic) church can tolerate no strange churches besides HERSELF," and "heretics (Baptists, Jews, Methodists, etc.) may not only be excommuinicated but, also, justly put to death".

Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler were never excommunicated.  Neither were Mussolini nor Fidel Castro.

In 1939, Msgr. O'Toole, of the Catholic University of America, said:  "No Catholic may positively and unconditionally aprove of SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE."  That means that JFK was obligated to take American tax money and invest it in Roman Catholic projects (such as Bay of Pigs and Vietnam War).

Since nine-five percent of all of America's political, economic, scientific and religious leaders know nothing about church history, you could never convince Americans that what you read above was the truth.

It IS the truth.

You just have to be what the Bible calls "willingly ignorant" (II Peter 3:5) in regards to the truth or "willfully wicked" in order to reject those historical truths regarding Rome.

"Rome never changes."
She adopts, adjusts, compromises, professes, and cuts corners to get good press.  Her religious convictions are the same in A.D. 2000 as they were in A.D. 800.

She just can''t kill as many of her enemies
as she would like! (Yet!)
'Bad Press'!

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