I Am Tired of Camping!

These are the notes to a sermon I preached back in June, 2003 or so - when we had returned from a church 'creation' camping activity with Teno Groppi as our 'creationist' guest speaker.  It rained almost the entire time we were camping - and we were not allowed to have a camp fire for fear of forest fire - remember, it was raining - seriously raining.  Add that with all the noise and bahooey of a public campground - and you may understand the direction this sermon took us as a church family.

We see today where this 'departure' took us - to finding the real living God through rightly dividing the KJB and learning to follow Paul only - as our only apostle and his teachings.  Some of you folks may be finding yourself today where we were back in 2003 - thus this sermon along with part II, What Happens When You Leave a Campground" may be of interest to you today.  -  Pastor M Paulson

As we returned from our church camping trip to Mount St. Helens, I was reminded that I am either too old to enjoy camping anymore or just too out of shape to deal with camping 'reality!'  Either way, I have come to the conclusion that I am basically "Tired of Camping."

Camping is suppose to be getting out into nature itself, away from the city and hubbub of normal day living, amen?  amen!  At least that is what I figure camping is suppose to be.

Camping is suppose to be in a quiet place, away from the bass beat of the boom boxes on the other side of town (yes, I know, the other side of Touchet is only 4 blocks away, but still...).

Camping out in the woods (or in the prairie) is suppose to be a place of solitude and beauty.  It is suppose to be a place that is as far away from the world's affairs as one can get (or at least afford to get).

I have come to realize though, as I was sitting in my recliner camping chair,
that camping today is not as 'getting back to nature' as it is proclaimed to be.

There are more laws today than ever before that actually prevent people from enjoying nature.

OTHER PEOPLE! LUXURIES KEEP US FROM ENJOYING NATURE! Remember, none of this stuff is free - the hours to work to be able to pay for this stuff puts another crimp on our home life - the home life sometimes suffers in order that we can go and suffer in nature!

Now, I am not complaining about those luxuries too much.  These and other things made the trip much easier and very enjoyable - but keep in mind the original intent for camping: to get out into nature!

We tend to live in the woods for the luxuries instead of living out in nature.

These riches seem to keep us from truly 'enjoying' the reality and "closeness" of nature.


Ah, America - there is a 'choice' for everything, eh!

So in other words...
...most camping today is a far cry from enjoying nature up close!

Bonus thought: if you look around your campsite,
it looks like the women do most of the work, too!

Part II
The Specific "Camping" I Am Tired of...

All that camping talk above isn't really the camping I am tired of.  "Actually," I may be willing to try to camp again next year - although I could surely do withOUT the flu bug that I picked up this year.  We could also do without Vivian telling us we can't have a fire.

But the camping I am really tired of is the 'camps' that have developed over these past years in regards to Bible believing people and their doctrinal teachings.  These are commonly called 'camps.' It seems that there are more and more of these campsites that have developed over recent years - and to be honest, now that I have visited a number of them, I would prefer to stay away from those sites and just get closer to God Himself!

The walk is getting narrower and narrower for those wanting to stay on the straight path - or least try to stay on it, anyway.

Let's look at some of those camps!

First - Going back to the typical worldly camps I used to belong to:
These were just the wrong campgrounds - period!

The Lutheran camp - I did learn to believe in God there - as well as the Bible - even KJV!  But I was also taught to stay away from the baptists.  I didn't learn a thing from confirmation, etc.  that is good, eh!  Not so much to unlearn.  In fact, when a preacher asked me if I wanted to 'know' 100% how to get to heaven, I was a textbook case!
The Catholic camp - I didn't really belong to an official one, but I did visit one with Kurt Kral a long time ago.  There are millions who believe that silly stuff - amazing!
The Mormon camp - I didn't believe their teachings, but I did work for a bishop for a year as a Culligan man - learned a lot about their organization.

When Satan blinds a persons mind, then they will believe anything that 'helps' them these days!

First Camp:  My wife and I were first saved a Baptist Revival meeting in Minnesota - then we found an Aubry McGann (?) crusade right away for our first feeding about being saved.  Soon we found the Evangelical Free Church so that we would be able to claim this as our first camp - this was all before the KJV issue arrived into our personal camp.  During those same years, we also visited a very large baptist church as well as a tongue speaking 'temple' in Houston - not knowing about doctrinal camps yet, we just returned to our little homesite in Minnesota.  We had no idea what was about to take place in our future "camping" years!!!

We were 'church searching' in Las Vegas when we found a church that preached that water baptism is what saves a person - but that preacher kept his Bible under his armpit through all of his sermons.  We didn't last long at that "campsite."  We also visited a church that the soloist for that morning was a dancing show girl for Hallelujah Hollywood the night before!  We also visited a modern church with a glass pulpit that rose out of the stage while we all sat in soft theater seats.  I have no idea what he preached on.

But as not to bore you with the details, suffice it so say, we have visited so many various campsites in our lives that one will see very shortly why I have just gotten so tired of camping in these Baptist doctrinal camps.

Remember this thought: the idea of camping is to get us "out from the world" into nature; so the idea of church camping should be to "get out of the world's secular & religious affairs" and just get closer to God.

But I have truly begun to see that today's doctrinal camps,
as have earthly camps regarding nature...
...they all tend to take you further from God, not closer!

We have been to the Big Baptist Camps:

My observations...

We have even been to the itty bitty Baptist Campsite:
We have spent a long time at the Baptist Doctrinal Campsite:

Now, of course all three of those campsites have wonderful people, some great pastors and some good times!  Much of the preaching is well done and is excellent for growing, depending on the quality of the ground that it is preached to.

But we also can't forget that throughout all of this country, no matter what 'camp' you are in, solid home-hitting at your heart preaching is OUT OF SEASON.  People can not and will not ENDURE SOUND DOCTRINE.

Church growth can not take place when the word of God is being watered down, ignored or even eliminated, so something must be wrong in those KJV churches that are headed for mega camp size.

In order to maintain these camps, you will see in all of them...

Outside the Main Campground Campsites

As people tire of those previously described mainstream campgrounds, more and more people today seem to be turning to these campsites...

Now remember - some of these camps even have some great preaching, some have great and marvelous christians, some have writers that have written some great books and some sell other great materials; there is a marvelous history of America that flows from within these groups.  In fact, some even have many of the issues right!

But a closer look shows us the serious dangers that are involved outside of the local church and inside these local modern campgrounds.  Most of these 'other' campsites are laced with some serious poison - some VERY SERIOUS poisons!

Now, of course we don't expect any of the 'camps' to be perfect, - and knowing that the devil only needs a little poison to infect his diseases, but as we can see when compared to the open pages of a KJB, some have let in more poison than others - and unfortunately, the trend is to let MORE poison enter the camps as compared to taking any stands 'against' any poisonous changes.

Something / Someone is Still Missing!

But even at that, there still seems to be something very missing in all these campgrounds.  As it is in the outdoor camping, nature is missing; we see in all the religious camps that God seems to be missing.  Note these two paragraphs from A.W. Tozer's book In Pursuit of God!  This book was written in 1948, and it doesn't take much imagination to see how much even worse the conditions are today.

In this hour of all-but-universal darkness one cheering gleam appears: within the fold of conservative Christianity there are to be found increasing numbers of persons whose religious lives are marked by a growing hunger after God Himself. They are eager for spiritual realities and will not be put off with words, nor will they be content with correct interpretations' of truth. They are athirst for God, and they will not be satisfied till they have drunk deep at the Fountain of Living Water.

A closeness with the Lord can result in a resurrection of life for many souls and a recapture of that radiant wonder which should accompany faith in Christ, that wonder which has all but fled the Church of God in our day.

Sound Bible exposition is an imperative must in the Church of the living God. Without it no church can be a New Testament church in any strict meaning of that term. But exposition may be carried on in such way as to leave the hearers devoid of any true spiritual nourishment whatever. For it is not mere man's words that nourish the soul, but God Himself, and unless and until the hearers find God in personal experience - [through that King James Bible], they are not the better for having heard the truth. The Bible is not an end in itself but a means to bring men to an intimate and satisfying knowledge of God, that they may enter into Him, that they may delight in His Presence, may taste and know the inner sweetness of the very God Himself in the core and center of their hearts.

Keep in mind: A false Bible brings the reader closer to the spirit of anti-christ.  A King James Bible brings the reader closer to the Holy Spirit of God Himself!

We are going to seek a closer walk with God, not just a closer so-called 'godly' walk!  As your pastor, I am going to try to help you attain that closeness s well as helping you stand against the poisons of these days.

P.S.  Note one more camp I must be wary of:  Proverbs 25:17 - that is YOUR camp.  Withdraw thy foot from thy neighbour's house; lest he be weary of thee, and so hate thee. The camp in the home is under the direction of the father - the husband.  I will stand at the door of this church and you are to stand at the door of your home.  I have even been burned when 'invited' into your campsite to help.  Dad, Husband - YOU do your own family!