Another Sermon for the Starving Bible Believing Christians All Over the World Wide Web
2006 - Touchet Baptist Church, Touchet, Washington - Pastor Mike Paulson - 2006
Expounding the way of God more perfectly - Acts 18:26 - with the Scriptures Rightly Divided - II Timothy 2:15

Swimming Even Deeper With the King James Bible
Acts 27 - swimming or floating?
Adult Teaching Class

See Introduction for a detailed description of this series.
See Part I for more emphasis on the progressive buildup of understanding within the KJB.
See Part II on the real meaning of the word 'charity' found with in the KJB, not by going "back to the Greek."
Part III on the Biblical definitions of words: Bless; Gospel; Evangelist and Crisping Pin
See Part IV for how the meaning of words is affected by Phonaesthesia and spelling.
See Part V for differences in music/musick; Ceiling; shall/will; which/who;
that/which/who; alway/always; prevent/precede; ensue/pursue' entreat/treat
See Part VI for Nothing more comforting than the sound of the King James Bible!

Rightly Dividing right on down to the very words and letters!

The Language of the King James Bible
Part VII
 More on Defining Words Within the KJB Itself


Concerning Using the built-in Dictionary concept:
1.  Looking at the word next to the word in question.
2.  Looking at the words in the verse.
3.  Looking in the next or preceding verse.
4.  Reading beginning at the paragraph mark; reading the entire chapter.
5.  Changing the pronunciation.
6.  Trying colloquial pronunciations.
7.  Changing the spelling in your mind.
8.  Looking inside the word.
9.  Looking for parallelism.
10.  Looking for opposites.
11.  Looking at the context.
12.  Looking at the root words inside the word.
13.  Seeing the progressive build-up as a way to receive understanding of the meaning of words.
14.  Observe which type of definition is being given.
15.  Looking at the verse numbers.
16.  Watching for onomatopoeia, that is, words that imitate the sound of the word.

I.  The mere entrance of his words - Psalm 119:130
    An understanding develops as one reads from beginning to end - there is a progression of meaning and learning of words
    Accept to acceptable to accepteth to acceptance to acceptest to acceptation - Genesis to I Timothy
    KJV is considered the easiest reading Bible.  4.4 to 7.5 - average 5.8 (NIV 8.4; NASB 6.1; TEV 7.2; NKJV 6.9)
    Amos 8:11-13 even deals with hearing the words of the Lord
    Bestead; Bedsead; Couch; Couched; Couching; root word evil and ear.
    Onomatopoeia are words that imitate the sound of the word - murmur, lowing, chatter, babbler, bray, bleating, bite, devour, etc.

II. We studied the word 'charity' which is love towards the brethren, NOT towards the lost world - and we read the verses that tells us what to do and how to be towards each other.

III.  We learned about how man's books have taken away from the English KJB.
    Bless; Gospel; Evangelist; Crisping Pin

IV.  We looked at phonaesthesia and how spelling affects words.
    Phonaesthesia - the corresponding sound of each individual letter contributes to the emotional effect a word has.
    Plosives - p,b,d,k, and g.
    Dagger to dying - the negative plosive sound 'p' are in negative words...
    Words with SL - downward (Servant to slave); SC (scolar and scribe) negative SC sound; F - are called 'fricatives.
    Modern bibles change casting down imaginations to casting down arguments; an heretick reject to reject a divisive man.
    Comments on Prayer Circles and Brownies
    That which is perfect
    More on SC words the fricative 's' and plosive 'k' sound is taken away from:  Scant, Scall, Scapegoat, schism, scurvy, science, school

V.  Music / Musick
    Cieling is correct - British spelling, not American
    Cunning's different meanings all defined within each verse
    Shall / Will
    Which / Who
    That / Which
    Alway / Always
    Prevent / Precede
    Ensue / Pursue
    Entreat - treat

VI.  Prepositions and how taking them out changes verse meaning - taking out IN Christ, of the Lord, through Christ, by Jesus Christ, through his blood, for them thta trust in riches, etc.
    Use of the word 'human' today - traced back to Hu Min - Egyptian gods - MIN is Hebrew for heretic.  Hu (god) min (heretic)
    Modern use of the word human havng strong affect in Revelation about the number of the beast.
    Sounds of Alliteration, rhyme, rhythm add to the benefits of 'hearing' the Bible as well as reading it.
    Example and Ensample

More on definitions 'within' the KJB itself

1.  Change the pronounciation
    CONEY:  The word is pronounced like 'bunny' - which is what it is.    Deuteronomy14:7
    BEEVES:  beefs - is the plural of beef.  Leviticus 22:19
    AMERCE: a mercy - punish with mercy!  Deuteronomy 22:19

2.  Try Colloquial pronunciations:
    BEGET - you be gettin!  Deut:4:25
    BEFALLEN - you be fallin'  Num:20:14
    BEHOLD - you be holdin'  Genesis 1:31 to Genesis 6:12 to Genesis 6:13
    BESEECH - you be seeking  I Thessalonians 4:1
    BEMOAN - you be moanin'   Jeremiah 15:5
    BELIED - you be lyin'  Jeremiah 5:12
    ARIGHT - you are a right bit funny...  in a right form; without mistake or crime.  Psalm 50:23

PS - the Scotch and Irish immigrants brought the old Anglo-Saxon words like be+gitan to the southern states.

3.  Change the spelling in your mind:
    CANKER - cancer
    COFFER - coffin
    CONCISION - incision  Philippians 3:2
    COULTER - cutlery  I Samuel 13:20:
    CHAPMEN - cheapman  II Chronicles 9:14
    DRYSHOD - dryshoed  Isaiah 11:15
    DANDLED - dangled  Isaiah 66:12
    EMEROD - hemorrhoid  Deuteronomy 28:27; I Samuel 5:6
    EMNITY - enemy  Luke 23:12

4.  Look inside the word:
    ALBEIT - although, be it  Philemon 1:19
    AFOOT - foot - Mark 6:33
    AGONE- gone  I Samuel 30:13
    AMISS- miss  James 4:3
    BACKBITE - bite back  Romans 1:30
    CHAPITER - cap or capital   Exodus 36:38
    CHASTISE - chaste  Leviticus 26:28
    CENTURION- cent (1/100)
    DROPSY - drop as in water  Luke 14:2  Do you want a medical lesson?  Formerly written hydropisy; In medicine, an unnatural collection of water, in an part of the body.  It occurs most frequently in persons debilitated by disease.  The dropsy takes different names, according to the part affected; as ascites, or dropsy of the abdomen; hydrocephalus, or water in the head; anasarca, or a watery swelling over the whole body.
    ENCHANTMENT - chant  Leviticus 19:26 - Ye shall not eat any thing with the blood: neither shall ye use enchantment, nor observe times.
    EMBOLDENETH - bold    Job 16:3 - Shall vain words have an end?  or what emboldeneth thee that thou answerest?
    ENSIGN - sign  Isaiah 30:17 - One thousand shall flee at the rebuke of one; at the rebuke of five shall ye flee: till ye be left as a beacon upon the top of a mountain, and as an ensign on an hill.
    ENSNARED - snare  Job 34:30 - That the hypocrite reign not, lest the people be ensnared.
    ENTANGLE - tangle  Exodus 14:3 - For Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel, They are entangled in the land, the wilderness hath shut them in.