The Passion of the Christ
My comments on the movie - M.F. Paulson

Or, The Passion of the Antichrist!
Or, the Passion of the Christ and His Mother!

What should we think when Hollywood produces a movie depicting the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ? As it is being shown to millions in movie theaters across American and around the world, I must ask, "Is it necessary to crucify Him again and again and again, as Roman Catholicism teaches - and now once again in the movies for all to see?

We know by faith according to the Holy Scriptures of his substitutionary atonement for us; need we view it in graphic bloody detailed portrayal again?

Are the viewers not as those onlookers who beheld Him at Calvary with a morbid curiosity to ‘see what it was like’? "...seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. Hebrews 6:6 KJV).

This movie is nothing more than to “put Him to an open shame” again. Then this precious sacrifice is further scoffed at by selling tickets to those who wish to view his shame, like it was a sideshow at a circus.

Do people still not know that the physical suffering of Christ, as grotesque and painful beyond comparison, was not the suffering from which satisfied our atonement nor sufficed the payment necessary? There was a greater suffering that made the physical cross pale by comparison. After that cruel crucifixion, Christ went to Hell to finalize the work that needed to be done for those willing to put their trust and belief into Him.

Then, of which the movie does not depict, Christ rises from Hell, pays the necessary blood payment, sits on the right of God the Father and sends the Holy Spirit to anyone willing to put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ. The Jesus Christ that truly paid for sin is the One that is OFF the cross, not still on it, as traditionally the Roman Catholic Church worships.

This movie portrays not the true Jesus Christ but 'another Jesus' whom Paul warned us about in the book of Galatians. This movie is nothing more than another step in preparing the world for the antiChrist.

If this were the true Christ being represented here, I must ask where is the resurrection and all that follows? ”And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.” (1 Corinthians 15:17). Where is the gospel and the doctrines of grace; redemption, adoption, salvation by faith in Christ Jesus... etc?  They are not shown - thus this portrayal of 'another Christ!'

Something else not depicted nor are most watchers even aware of is the ‘joy’ that was set before Him. “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for THE JOY THAT WAS SET BEFORE HIM endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:2).

The movie “The Passion of Christ” is not only a blasphemous attack on the sacrifice of the Lamb of God, but is Satan’s masterpiece and the epitome of deceit brought down through 2000 years of devilish attack on the Bride of Christ. WHY, OH WHY would a bride want to go and view her Beloved being brutally crucified on an instant replay video?

Every true believer who sees this film will no doubt be strongly affected by it! Of course lives will be changed, but there is given no opportunity for souls to be changed for an eternal betterment - only more secured deeper into their false gospel. “The Passion of Christ” will no doubt leave a lasting mark, but it will not be one received from the Holy Spirit, but from Satan himself.

Mel Gibson may be sincerely passionate about his spiritual experience and his desire to help mankind, but his passion is sincerely, Biblically, Spiritually, and eternally wrong and he will be accountable for his deception of millions of souls.

Once again the Scriptures have the final word, “One shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in THE HOUSE OF MY FRIENDS.” Zechariah 13:6 - KJV.

The Roman Catholic Pope has set his seal of approval upon it, but as a pastor and preacher of the King James Bible, the Word of God and words of God, I refuse to participate. I would not take part in the real crucifixion nor will I  take part in this wicked parody of the crucifixion of the Blessed Son of God; neither will I even be an onlooker. I am his friend and He is my Friend - I have no desire to see Him shamed again! Once was enough for me!

My trust and belief is in the Jesus Christ of the King James Bible, not the one Hollywood tries to portray!

The sad thing is that the crucifixion is not over.  The spiritual leaders of today continue the murderous activity by continuing to try to ‘kill’ the very words of Jesus Christ.  If folks would have stayed with their King James Bible, they would know that this movie is biblically inaccurate as well as blasphemous.

Stick to the King James Bible and you will know the Real Christ!
Not something put out by Hollywood!

Second Letter:
The Catholics continue to kill Christians just as they did back in the Dark Ages, only this time it is being done spiritually instead of physically.  The Passion of the Christ should be called the Passion of the Antichrist or at least the Passion of the Christ and Mary.  When one compares the details of this movie to the truth of the Scriptures, one will find out that the details clash.  This movie is putting forth a portrayal of the antichrist and Mary, not the Christ of the Scriptures.
Where is the shame of a true believer?  Why must we suddenly 'see' in order to 'believe.'  The crucifixion put Jesus Christ into open shame, as the Scriptures state - why is it needful to portray His shame again?  In this movie, what one sees is not the truth.  The media argument of the movie being anti Semantic is just a smokescreen for the real issue - it is a movie that lifts the Catholic Christ and hides the true Christ.  If anyone 'receives Christ' because of this movie, they will receive the spirit of antichrist, again as the Scriptures state in I John 4:1-3.
I know there will be those many who think my comments are shameful, and these same folks will disagree with the Scriptures as well.  But it is my job as a Bible believing pastor to try to warn the sheep of the wolves dressed in sheep's clothing.  Will anyone take heed to these warnings?  What has happened to God's Words - why must we allow Hollywood to be our final authority?  Is it the lazy way out or is it just because of how folks have been prepared within their local churches these days.
When a nation takes away the words of God, then that nation no longer knows the difference between right and wrong, nor do they eventually even want to know.
It is all truly a shame, but it is not at all surprising.

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