Learning the Way of God More Perfectly
King James Bible 1611 Then and Today

To Destroy Your Home
(My apologies to America's wonderful 4-H Organization - this sermon has nothing to do with your organization - the 4 "H" just fit the sermon title!)





These are four main specific things that I have seen come between
Bible Believing Christians and their Bible, their church and their children.

People would rather "train" horses than their own children!

People would rather spend their money on their horses than their own children!

People will put their horse schedules above all other activities - including God's time!

(P.S. Another application for 'horses' is one given to women and how the woman has become the strength,
the provider, the guide, the mouth, the direction of today's Bible Believing family!)

People would rather build a marvelous 'mansion' of treasures upon earth earth where moth and rust doth corrupt  and where thieves break through and steal than on the foundation of Jesus Christ as treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal.

These folks are more willing to allow the devil to deceive & eventually steal their children - they are more willing to allow the words of God to be stolen from their family - they are more willing to allow the joy, the peace, the comfort, etc. of knowing the work of the Lord to be stolen from them; but they sure are NOT willing to allow their remodeling or rebuilding or new purchase be interrupted when it comes to God's work!

People would rather spend money on their hobbies than on God's work.

It is easier for them to buy a new gun, new car, new clothes, fishing trips, gardening, new toys for their children and even big boy toys - than it is to help pay for bibles, tracts, ink, pastors, missionaries, church needs, etc. etc. etc.

As missionaries run low on supplies & are forced to return home, and more & more pastors quit because of financial problems, there are increasingly more & more four-wheelers in garages, guns in the rack, ammo on the shelves, fishing poles in the boat,  landscaping being done to yards, more trips and vacations than ever before.

Lovers of pleasure than lovers of God seems to be the theme song for America these days.

More people home-school than they realize! Through video's, movies and TV,
Bible Believers allow Hollywood to be their 'home-school' teacher.

Hollywood has become the final authority in all thinking - if there is thinking at all!

Bible Believers truly are willing to let Hollywood establish their family's moral standard.

Not only has music replaced the words of God in America, so has TV, Video's, Movies, etc.

That's all - just a few comments.  Let the Lord preach to you personally now about these matters for you and your family!