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King James Bible 1611

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Contrasts in Scriptures
- Not Contradictions -


The Devil
SATAN'S TITLES (1) The devil Rev 12:9, meaning "slanderer." (2) Prince of the power of the air Eph 2:2. (3) Prince of this world John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11. (4) God of this world, II Cor 4:4. (5) The dragon, Rev 12:9. (6) That old serpent, Rev 12:9. (7) Roaring lion, I Peter 5:8. (8) Ruler of darkness, Ephesians 6:12. (9) Beelzebub, Matt 12:24, meaning "dung-god." (10) Apollyon, Revelation 9:11, meaning "destroyer." (11) The wicked one, Matt 13:19. (12) Belial, II Cor 6:15, meaning "worthless." (13) The enemy, Matt 13:39; Luke 10:19.  (14) The tempter, I Thessalonians 3:5. (15) The accuser, Revelation 12:10.

 The Devil "Yesterday" - OT / Gospels
Ezekiel 28:13-19
The Devil "Today" & "Tomorrow"
Acts 26:18
  • Job 2:1,2 - Back and forth from the presence of the LORD in the earliest of time.
  • Ezekiel 28:13-19 - "Thou has been in Eden... workmanship of thy tabrets... anointed cherub ... perfect in thy ways from the day thou wast created... heart was lifted up because of thy beauty ... corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness, etc.
  • Isaiah 14:12-17 - "I will be like the most high..."  " Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, and did shake kingdoms..."
  • Genesis 3:1-5; 14,15 - liar cursed above all cattle, etc. upon thy belly!  Enmity between thy seed and her seed...
  • Stands against Israel - I Chronicles 21;1
  • Resists - Zechariah 3:1
  • Another kingdom 'beyond' ours.  II Kings 6:13-18
  • Temptations to Jesus - Luke 4:1-13
  • Seed Stealer - Luke 8:5-12
  • Devil Possession - Mark
  • (soul was never separated from their flesh, etc. Devils could possess the entire person.)
  • Entered into Judas - John 13:21-27
  • Driven out at the Crucifixion - John 12:31
  • Returned to stay (for now) - John 14:30,31
  • Comforter judges the devil - John 16:7-11
King James Bible and Paul continue and carry on this judgment, etc.

  • Not be ignorant of his devices - II Corinthians 2:11
  • Dwells in Catholic Church - Revelation 2:12-17
  • Armour of God to fight him! - Ephesians 6:11
  • Anger gives place to him - Ephesians 4:27
  • Puts people in his snare - at his will!  II Timothy 2:26
  • An angel of light - II Corinthians 11:13-15
  • Hindered Paul - I Thessalonians 2:18
  • People give in to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils! - I Timothy 4:1
  • Destroys the flesh - I Corinthians 5:5
  • Teaches not to blaspheme - I Timothy 1:20; II Timothy 2:15-18
  • Ladies turn aside to him without a man around!  I Timothy 5:15; II Timothy 3:6; I Timothy 2:14
  • I Peter 5:8 - walking about, seeking whom he may devour...!
  • Pre- Trib times - II Thessalonians 2:9
  • Revelation 16:13,14
  • Fought for Moses' body - Jude 9
  • He that committeth sin is of the devil.  Certainly not doctrine to a Christian today!  I John 3:8-10
  • Revelation 12,13; 19:11-21; 20:1-10
  • Antichrist - Daniel 11:37